DLI 2018
We welcome you to the 2018 EAI Design Learning and Innovation (DLI) Conference, taking place from October 24 to 26 in Braga, Portugal. DLI brings together academics, designers, researchers, and practitioners working in the fields of design, learning, and innovation towards creating, shaping, incubating playful learning designs, tools, technologies, experiences, processes, and outcomes.
Braga, a vibrant UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts, where tradition and innovation meet, will provide the ideal landscape for bringing together researchers, designers, and practitioners from a variety of backgrounds from all over the world. We are looking forward to seeing you at DLI ’18 in Braga.
The DLI Conference will be hosted at the University of Minho (UMinho) in Braga. We invite submissions of papers presenting high-quality original research addressing any of the areas listed in the conference topics.
The event is endorsed by the European Alliance for Innovation, a leading community-based organization devoted to the advancement of innovation in the field of ICT.
All registered papers will be submitted for inclusion by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library, one of the world’s largest scientific libraries
DLI Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion to the leading indexing services: EI Elsevier, ISI Thomson’s Scientific and Technical Proceedings at Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).
All accepted authors are eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies
Design, learning, and innovation frame the world of ICT, play and playfulness opening doors into an increasingly playful world. The DLI 2018 conference is driven by the belief that tools, technologies, environments, as well as content and approaches can spark and nurture a passion for learning, transforming domains such as education, rehabilitation/therapy, work places, and cultural institutions. Design, learning, and innovation is a powerful catalyst in empowering individuals to participate, communicate, and create, whereby they can exceed their own limits in a playful way. Making this spirit explicit and visible is crucial to identify how specific tools, technologies, methodologies and solutions shape opportunities for learning and engaging with the demands of today’s world. More than ever, challenges in the fields of design, learning, and innovation are often approached by trans-disciplinary teams and solutions that mobilize tools, technologies, methods and theories from different fields to unlocking new frameworks, opening up to partnerships that can enrich learning in formal and informal learning practices. DLI 2018 intends to foster such dynamics.
Academics, designers, researchers, and practitioners with a background in the fields of design, learning, and innovation towards creating, shaping, incubating playful learning designs, tools, technologies, experiences, processes, and outcomes, are invited to contribute to and participate in the DLI 2018. The conference asks for submission of papers and posters (WIP) as well as proposals for workshops and symposiums.
We invite contributors to submit high-quality original research in the form of full papers, Work in Progress (Posters), workshops, and panel/symposium proposals addressing research in design learning and innovation towards creating, shaping, incubating playful learning designs, tools, technologies, experiences, processes and outcomes.
Topics of interest for DLI include, but are not limited to:
- Digital games and toys
- Game design
- Toy design
- Interactive environments
- Tangible and intangible tools
- Playful designs
- Design of playful interactions
- Playful interfaces
- Affective and experiential designs
- Designs for embodied interactions
- Pervasive gaming designs
- Analysis of playful designs
- Analysis of designs for users with special abilities and needs
- Theoretical frameworks
- Emotions and affective learning and interaction
- Play, playfulness and innovation
- Theoretical foundations for design, learning, and innovation
- Experience and explorative designs, play and learning
- Collaborative, collective and co-creative designs for learning
- Movements, exploration and experimentation
- Innovation in design and learning
- Design methodologies
- Methodologies, tools, and techniques for innovation in design and learning
- Design of innovative learning environments
- Design of innovative applications
- Design driven innovation
- User centered design
- Designing for users with special abilities and needs
- Novel initiatives in design and learning
- Design, learning and innovation for specific purposes
- Toys and/or games for playful learning
- Toys and/or games for health and wellbeing
- Serious games
- Toys and/or games for social impact
- Online/virtual laboratories
- Toys and/or games for outdoor spaces
- New trends in formal and informal learning practices
- Game-based learning and gamification
- Play-based learning
- Toy-based learning
- Learning space designs
- Trends and issues in formal and informal learning domains
- Workplace learning designs
- Ludic engagement designs
- Emerging tools and technologies in design, learning and innovation
- Social networking
- Virtual and augmented realities
- Novel applications
- Virtual communities
- Tools for outdoor play environments
Important dates
Submission deadline
15 July 2018
Full Paper Submission deadline
1 July 2018
Notification deadline & registration opens
20 August 2018
Camera-ready deadline
15 September 2018
Start of Conference
24 October 2018
End of Conference
26 October 2018