Steering Committee
Steering Committee Chair
Eva Brooks, PhD, Professor (wsr)
Director Xlab: Design. Learning. Innovation.
Department of Culture and Learning,
Aalborg University, Denmark,
Visiting Professor in Digital Learning at Halmstad University,
LeaDS – Learning in a Digitalised Society,
School of Education, Humanities & Social Sciences Halmstad University, Sweden
Steering Committee Members

Thomas Bjørner
Associate Professor, Head of Media Innovation & Game Research , Aalborg University, Denmark
Thomas Bjørner (TB) is an associate professor and Head of Media Innovation and Game Research ( at Aalborg University. TB’s scientific competencies are in the formative evaluations of innovative media technologies and serious games. He has published extensively within serious games and applied qualitative research, and has been PI, PM, WP-leader, and participant in more than 20 successful research projects. TB is currently a WP leader in the EU Horizon project STRATEGIES, which will create and evaluate a game that communicates the goals of the European Green Deal. Further, he is the WP leader in a project that makes games in Virtual Reality – for blind people. TB is interested in empirical research on designing technologies that enhance learning. Succeeding in enhanced learning demands in-depth insights about the users and context linked to a well-designed technology that engages the users. His research addresses applied methodological approaches within user evaluations (including improved validity and reliability), technology acceptance, interviews, and observations. TB is a European Commission-appointed expert in user evaluations and qualitative studies. TB is co-organizing the GoodIT ACM conference and the Design, Learning and Innovation (EAI DLI) conference. Thomas is very experienced as both a project manager and PhD supervisor, organizing PhD courses and PhD assessment committees.
Emma Edstrand
Halmstad University, Sweden