Paper Submission

Important Dates








The EAI DLI conference advances research in design, learning, and innovation (DLI) in relation to development and use of digital and emergent technology through the dissemination of research, and promotion of inclusive and playful discourses. It is gathering researchers from academia and practitioners from organisations and industry from around the world, who research, practice, and teach in the fields of education, interaction design, games, communication, social science, human-computer interaction, and other related disciplines. The EAI DLI conference is devoted to engaging and support participants at all stages of their career. Due to the diversity of the conference scope, we are happy to offer attendees a range of perspectives and experiences. Each EAI DLI conference is distinct, but it seeks to maintain its character and overall scope and values from year to year. A core value is to advance and inspire the field of DLI, which is done through the outstanding and excellent work being presented as well as through the exchange of ideas and collaborative work to understand as well as fostering the diversity of the discipline.

This year, DLI invites critical, innovative, and transdisciplinary perspectives on the theme: New theories, new methods, new technologies. Design, learning and innovation are often embedded in various practices, discourses, and target groups. As media and technology in a wide range of ways are intertwined with design, learning and innovation, these boundaries are also challenged – empirically as well as theoretically and methodologically. The aim of the EAI DLI conference is provide many different perspectives for developing theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of design, learning and innovation.

All submission related to design, learning and innovation (DLI) are also welcome to the conference. You are invited to participate in the following tracks: full and short papers, work-in-progress, workshops, and symposiums. DLI 2024 will be held at Halmstad University in Sweden.


All registered papers will be submitted for publishing by Springer – LNICST series and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library: DLI Conference Proceedings.

Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in leading indexing services, such as Web of Science, Compendex, Scopus, DBLP, EU Digital Library, Google Scholar, IO-Port, MathSciNet, Inspec, and Zentralblatt MATH.

All accepted authors are eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of:

EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies

Additional publication opportunities:

EAI Transactions series (Open Access)
EAI/Springer Innovations in Communications and Computing Book Series
(titles in this series are indexed in Ei Compendex, Web of Science & Scopus)

Paper Submission

Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy+‘ system, and have to comply with the Springer format (see Author’s kit section below).
– Regular papers should be up to 12-15+ pages in length. – Springer
– Short papers should be 6-11 pages in length.

All conference papers undergo a thorough peer review process prior to the final decision and publication. This process is facilitated by experts in the Technical Program Committee during a dedicated conference period. Standard peer review is enhanced by EAI Community Review which allows EAI members to bid to review specific papers. All review assignments are ultimately decided by the responsible Technical Program Committee Members while the Technical Program Committee Chair is responsible for the final acceptance selection. You can learn more about Community Review here.

Paper submission

Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy+‘ system, and have to comply with the Springer format (see Author’s kit section below).

How do I submit a paper in Confy?

  1. Go to Confy+ website

  2. Login or sign up as new user

  3. Select your desired Track

  4. Click the ‘Submit Paper’ link within the track and follow the instructions

Alternatively, go to home page of Confy+ and click on “Open conferences”.

Submission guidelines

– The papers should be in English.
– Previously published work may not be submitted, nor may the work be concurrently submitted to any other conference or journal.
   Such papers will be rejected without review.
– Papers have to be anonymous.
– Double-Blind Review process.
– The paper submissions must follow the Springer formatting guidelines (see Author’s kit section below).
– Read the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.

Papers must be formatted using the Springer LNICST/ EASICC Authors’ Kit.

Instructions and templates are available from Springer’s LNICST homepage:

– LaTeX2e Proceedings Templates (zip)
– Microsoft Word Proceedings Templates (zip)

Please make sure that your paper adheres to the format as specified in the instructions and templates.

When uploading the camera-ready copy of your paper, please be sure to upload both:

– a PDF copy of your paper formatted according to the above templates, and
– an archive file (e.g. zip, tar.gz) containing the both a PDF copy of your paper and LaTeX or Word source material prepared according to the above guidelines. 

Author’s kit – Instructions and Templates

Papers must be formatted using the Springer LNICST Authors’ Kit.

Instructions and templates are available from Springer’s LNICST homepage:

Please make sure that your paper adheres to the format as specified in the instructions and templates.

When uploading the camera-ready copy of your paper, please be sure to upload both:

  • a PDF copy of your paper formatted according to the above templates, and
  • an archive file (e.g. zip, tar.gz) containing the both a PDF copy of your paper and LaTeX or Word source material prepared according to the above guidelines.